WolfNote's 12 track album Herding Cats can be found on iTunes, Spotify and Amazon Music.
Click paypal link below to purchase in limited edition CD format. £10 plus £2.10 UK delivery.
FATEA Magazine https://www.fatea-records.co.uk/magazine/:
" A whole lot of great music to wrangle with."
Folk and Honey https://www.folkandhoney.co.uk:
" You'll find WolfNote's songs buzzing in your head long after the album has finished playing."
Rik Stuart, Blues and Roots Radio https://www.bluesandrootsradio.com/:
"That track was Overflow, well that was just lovely. I had to wait to listen to their new album, some real gems there, well worth waiting for."
Mardles https://mardles.org
".....this is a highly accomplished and eclectic first album, with great songwriting, singing and musicianship."